Three Transport Priorities
ASPA, in partnership with WeRide Australia and an alliance of 13 public health, transport, education and climate organisations, proudly present the Three Transport Priorities.
Australian children deserve to grow up in a safe and healthy community.
The Three Transport Priorities would boost the Australian economy, by slashing the cost of congestion, air pollution and physical inactivity, which currently cost more than $57,000,000,000 (57 billion) a year.
We are calling for your support to the Three Transport Priorities. Pledge Your Support either as an individual or as an organisation.
Pledge your support:
Pledge Individual Support. Pledge Organisation Support
Launched in February 2022, the Three Transport Priorities are tangible transport solutions, prepared for the 2022 Australian Federal Election.
On February 14th 2022, the Three Transport Priorities were presented to the federal member for Wentworth, Dave Sharma MP and the Shadow Asst Minister for Treasury, the Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP.
WeRide Australia’s Stephen Hodge presenting to Dave Sharma MP (left)
Associate Professor Nicole Freene presenting to Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP (right)

Pledged Supporters — Individuals
Mr. Matthew Mclaughlin, ASPA, @healthtepi
Ms. Brittany Swelam, Deakin University, @BrittanySwelam
Ms. Leah Valente, Deakin, @valente_leah
Mrs. Lena Huda, 30Please, @LenaHudafor30
Mr. Tristan K.
Mr. Rob McInerney, iRAP, @iRAPRob
Ms. Carolyn New
Dr. George Takacs, University of Wollongong, @GeorgeTakacs
Ms. Laura Marchese, Deakin
Christian Brosch, RRNT
Mr. Tony Stanley, Ericsson, @tony_j_stanley
Dr. Casey Mainsbridge, University of Tasmania, @cmainsbridge
Miss Anna Bird, Telethon Kids Institute, @annabdietitian
Prof. David Lubans, University of Newcastle, @davidlubans
Dr. Sarah Reedman, The University of Queensland, @sarah_reedman
Dr. Jordan Smith, The University of Newcastle, @JordanJSmith88
Mr. Nick Byron, Nick Byron Health, Fitness & Physical Education, @nickbyron60
Mr. Owen Bentley, Cowes Pharmacy, @owenbentley
Miss Zino Phiri, Telethon Kids Institute
Mr. Adrian Bauer, IT, @ajwasthere
Ms. Phoebe George, Telethon Kids Institute
Dr. Alison Carver, Australian Catholic University
Ms. Anna Gurnhill, Senior Advisor, MLA
Dr. Nicole Freene, University of Canberra, @NicoleFreene
Ms. Elizabeth Wenden, Telethon Kids Institute, @ElizWenden
Ms. Bridget Foley, The University of Sydney, @bridgetcfly
Mr. Chris Trueman, WATAG, @watag10
Prof. Rebecca Ivers, School of Population Health, UNSW, @rebeccaivers
Prof. Corneel Vandelanotte, Central Queensland University, @corneelvdl
Prof. Trevor Shilton
Mr. Jeremy Maxwell, Southern Peninsula Community Support, @jeremy1960
Mr. Dan Ferguson, Swinburne University, @dfergus0n
Mrs. Naomi Munro
Ms. Tracy Nau, University of Sydney, @NauTracy
Mr. Grant Williamson, Shimmer Consulting, @grantw2012
Dr. Alyson Crozier, University of South Australia, @AlysonCrozier
Prof. Hayley Christian, Telethon Kids Institute, @PLAYCE_Research
Ms. Sara Stace, WSP Australia, @Sara_Stace
Mr. Roger Bacon
Mr. Ron Shanks
Mr. Bill Hickling
Ms. Kylie Hood, Royal Adelaide Hospital
Mr. Daniel Endicott, Newcastle Push Bike Library
Mr. Daniel Heggie
Mr. Michael Archbold, @michaelarchbold
Dr. Athira Rohit, Telethon Kids Institute, @Athira46847172
Mrs. Trina Robinson, Telethon Kids Institute
Mrs. Naomi Hood-Penn, Osborne Park Hospital
Mr. Craig Knox, Consultant, @CraigKnox_
Prof. Stuart Biddle, University of Southern Queensland, @stuart_biddle
Mrs. Kym Rizzo Liu, WSLHD
Mr. Eamonn Lourey, Local Government, @eamonnlousey
Ms. Pulan Bai, Telethon Kids Institute
Mr. Matthew Bourke, Victoria University
Prof. Emmanuel Stamatakis, University of Sydney, @M_Stamatakis
Jack Hobbs, Town of Victoria Park
Dr. Christopher Standen, UNSW Sydney
Ms. Anna McDonald, Adelaide
Ms. Majella O’Shea, Sounds And Sweet Airs Theatre Company
Nicole Pearson, University of Wollongong
Mr. Urs Kemmann, THE ICONIC
Mr. Jason Packenham, ASPECT Studios @jasonpackenham
Ms. Monique Ewen
Ms. Julie Lawrence, Pedal Set Go @pedalsetgo
Ms. Anna Harvey, Volunteer
Mr. Richard Ranson, FivepHusion
Prof. Marie Ranson, @mranson2
Mr. Antony Denahy, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, @antonydenahy
Mr. Owen Shepherd Safe Streets to School
Dr. Justine McGill, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Ms. Robyn Simpson, Environmental Leadership, @robynwren
Prof. Stuart McLean, University of Tasmania
Ms. Amanda Benson
Mr. Ron Shanks, Shanks Consulting
Nicola Dunnicliff-Wells
Mrs. Melanie Peterssen, Local Government
Mr. Sam Reich
Dr. Hulya Gilbert
Mr. Andrew Chuter, Friends of Erskineville @achuter
Mr. Ian Bourne, University of South Australia Magill Campus
Dr. Jasper Lee, Shepherds Hill Dental Centre
Mr. Barry Douglas Virtue
Dr. Aish Sukhdeo, John Hunter Hospital Newcastle
Ms. Lisa Thornton, City of Stirling
Dr. Anne-Maree Parrish, University of Wollongong, @AMParrish11
Mrs. Kate Prest
Mr. Matthew Root, Flyt, @mattroot80
Ms. Lisa Rooke, Town Team Movement, @RookeLisa
Mr. David Freer, Danks-Freer Pty Ltd, @davidfreer15
Ms. Ali Banks, WestCycle, @AlisonB03618898
Mr. Andrew Main, @bikewalkperth
Dr. Helen Sadler, East Fremantle Medical Centre
Dr. Sharinne Crawford, La Trobe University, @SharinneC
Mr. Shane McMullen
Mr. Maurice Berger, MetroCount, @maurieberger
Mr. Jeff Ibbotson
Mrs. Ulrike Andresen-Nikolai, VFPA
Dr. Skye Curlis, Mount Barker Hospital