ASPA 2022 School-Based Physical Activity SIG Session

School-based PA: From school readiness to teacher capability – examples from the field.

Monday 28th November 1500 – 1600 hours

The school day offers an ideal opportunity to enhance children’s physical activity and simultaneously improve their learning and wellbeing outcomes. The purpose of this SIG is to highlight diverse and innovative approaches for improving school-based physical activity, from school readiness programs to developing critical teacher capabilities.

The objective of this SIG presentation is to provide insights into innovative and diverse school-based physical activity research from kindergarten to tertiary education settings. This is a broad and complex topic, and we will focus on three key areas: 1) The Best Start Program: A foundational movement skill assessment app for kindergarten 2) The EMU study: A primary school-based physical education program that integrates Indigenous games alongside numeracy and literacy skills; 3) TransfromUs Higher Ed: Equipping future teachers with innovative strategies to increase physical activity in the classroom

Attendees will be encouraged to engage in a Q & A session with the multi-disciplinary presenter panel. Questions from the chair and responses from panellists will encourage attendees to reflect on their own research perspective, provide comments and feedback and look for collaborative opportunities

Chair: Dr Natalie Lander


  • Dr Nick Riley, University of Newcastle
  • A/Prof Narelle Eather, University of Newcastle
  • Dr Natalie Lander, Deakin University

Register for the conference

In-person registrations close 14 November 2022

Virtual registrations close 24 November 2022