Praise for the Three Transport Priorities!

ASPA’s advocacy committee awarded 2022 Excellence in Health Promotion Practice” for their Three Transport Priorities by The Australian Health Promotion  Association WA Branch 

About the award 

Nominated by Lena Huda of 30please and Safe Streets to School Campaign earlier this year, ASPA’s Advocacy Committee and WeRide Australia have been awarded the ‘2022 Excellence in Health Promotion Practice’ for their work on the ‘Three Transport Priorities’. This award offers recognition of groups that demonstrate best practice in their health promotion methods, including evaluation. The AHPA (WA Branch) recognises the Advocacy Committee’s work in leading the project and the substantial impact they’ve had for physical activity and health promotion as advocates.  

ASPA Advocacy Committee, Partners and Other Significant Contributors

Tepi McLaughlin, Leader of the Three Transport Priorities Initiative

Tepi McLaughlin, Advocacy Committee
Peter McCue, Advocacy Committee (Chair)
Trevor Shilton, Advocacy Committee, ASPA Secretary
Rebecca Thorby, Advocacy Committee
Lindsey Reece, Advocacy Committee
Brittany Swelam, Advocacy Committee, Communications Committee (Co-chair, Social Media lead)
Stephen Hodge, WeRide Australia (Director- National Advocacy)
Peter Bourke, WeRide Australia (Executive Director) 
Jo Salmon, ASPA President
Ashleigh Homer, ASPA Communications Committee (Website lead)  

What are the Three Transport Priorities? 

Led by ASPA’s Matthew “Tepi” McLaughlin, and in partnership with WeRide Australia and an alliance of 13 public health, transport, education and climate organisations, the Three Transport Priorities are evidence-based, tangible transport solutions, prepared for the 2022 Australian Federal Election. They include:


Why these priorities? The Three Transport Priorities would boost the Australian economy, by slashing the cost of congestion, air pollution and physical inactivity, which currently cost more than $57,000,000,000 (57 billion) a year.

Launched in February of 2022, the Three Transport Priorities were presented to the federal member for Wentworth, Dave Sharma MP (Former) and the Shadow Asst Minister for Treasury, the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP. In their campaign, the Three Transport Priorities accumulated over 100 individual and 28 organisational public pledges of support.

Most recently, the ASPA Advocacy Committee has opened the possibility of tailoring the Three Transport Priorities to individual states. Work is currently underway in New South Wales to make this happen.

Show your support for the Advocacy Committee, WeRide Australia, the 13 organisation alliance, and the Three Transport Priorities by pledging your support. If you’d like to talk about tailoring the Three Transport Priorities to your state or country, please get in touch.