Fundamentals of Scaling Up in Physical Activity – Training Course

Learn how to maximise the impact of initiatives that support more people in more places being active and enhance your knowledge of ways to increase the reach, impact and sustainability of physical activity promotion at scale.


The ASPA Scaling Up Physical Activity SIG is proud to announce their training course ‘Fundamentals of Scaling Up in Physical Activity’. 

Drawing on scientific evidence and practitioner experience, the training course will equip participants with the knowledge required and tools needed to undertake and evaluate their own efforts to scale physical activity promotion in the future.

The course will be open to members and non-members of ASPA, with a reduced rate for members.  

Course format: 2 x 30 min pre-recorded webinars weekly (over 5 weeks, total 10 sessions)

Expertly developed modules and learning resources will aid participants in gaining insight on:

  • Factors influencing scale up and how to incorporate these into planning and evaluation
  • Ways of designing a scale up project or evaluation, and tools to support this.
  • The role and influence of different stakeholders related to scale up, and
  • Ways to foster connection and potential collaboration with others working in similar areas

Register Here!