Connect with an ASPA mentor: Physical Literacy workshop

Time: 10:05-10:50 AEDT / 12:05-12:50pm NZT / 8:05-8:50am HKT
Cost: Members Free, Non-members $20
Facilitator: Bridget Foley, The University of Sydney
Location: Online via Zoom Webinar

Mentors can provide early career professionals with advice, help build a persons professional network and develop confidence for career progression. The ASPA Early Career Network is running a series of online sessions to build connections and strengthen relationships between members with a wealth of experience in the field, and aspiring students, and early career practitioners, policy-makers and researchers.

Member registration Non-Member registration

What do the sessions involve?

The mentoring sessions will run for 45 minutes, allowing time for introductions, and discussion between the mentor and a small group of early career ASPA members. Each session will have a theme – the first theme is Physical Literacy. We encourage early career professionals interested in physical literacy to join this session and connect with a mentor.

How will the session run?

The mentoring session will be conducted using Zoom to allow people from across the Asia-Pacific region to attend. For each session, three experienced ASPA members with different career trajectories are available to connect with participants. When you register, you will be asked to indicate which mentor you are most interested in connecting with. During the session, we will use your preferences to allocate you to breakout rooms with the mentors for a 30-minute discussion.

Meet your Mentors

Dr Dean Dudley
Dean is an Associate Professor (Health and Physical Education) in the Macquarie School of Education at Macquarie University. Dean has a multidisciplinary program of research but he is broadly interested in the association between health and education, with a specific interest in the role that learning plays in the health and quality of life of children. Internationally, he is recognised for his work in physical education, learning assessment, pedagogy, and physical literacy.

Jamie Barrett
Jaime is a Canadian PhD student at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Jaime has specialised education and training in Early Childhood Education, and has worked as a Registered Early Childhood Educator with young children for over seven years. Her current research and interests lie within promoting physical literacy and physical activity in early years settings, specifically among Educators within these contexts.

Pierre Comis
Pierre is CEO at Special Olympics Australia, Chair of Bluearth Foundation and Co-Chair of the Physical Literacy SIG at ASPA. He has worked in participation roles at the AFL and NRL, before a 12-year career at Sport Australia where he was a lead designer of Sporting Schools and previously, the Active After-school Communities program. Pierre was Director of National Participation and then Director of Physical Literacy during which time his team delivered the Australian Physical Literacy Framework, the Sport Australia Position Statement on Physical Literacy, and a suite of tools and resources to activate a Physical Literacy approach in the sport and education sectors.