ASPA 2024 – Walk and Talk the Matagarup, Boorloo
Date: | Wednesday 20th November |
Time: | 7:15 am - 8.30 am |
Cost: | Free |
Facilitator: | Hosted by Department of Transport, Active Transport Branch, and the Heart Foundation, |
Location: | Meet at City of Perth Parking area, Point Fraser, enter off Riverside Dr, East Perth |
Enjoy the sights and sounds of Matagarup and the Derbarl Yerrigan and hear all about WA’s brand-new iconic Causeway Bridges being built for people to walk, wheel and ride.
Join us for a short walk and trishaw ride (you are the passenger!) in time for the Welcome to Country on the opening day of the conference.
Your hosts, the Department of Transport, Active Transport Branch, together with the Heart Foundation, will give you a small glimpse of Perth’s active transport network as we explore the banks of one of our city’s greatest natural assets – the Derbarl Yerrigan (Swan River).
Along the way you will hear from Karen Jacobs a Traditional Owner of Whadjuk Boodja and representative of the Matagarup Elders Group which has provided valuable cultural input to inform the design and development of the nearby, and soon-to-be-opened, Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges.
You’ll get a closer look at the bridges and their unique features and hear some of the stories passed down through generations that reflect the significance of the area to Whadjuk Noongar people.
Once onboard an awaiting trishaw to take you to the conference, we expect you’ll be captivated by these transformational landmarks and join in the excitement at their imminent opening – a true beacon for active travel and our region’s rich Aboriginal culture.
Please note:
- The short walk will be at a comfortable slow-pace and is not strenuous. Conference attire is suitable with comfortable shoes.
- BYO hat, sunscreen and water bottle.
We thank Cycling without Age for supplying the trishaws and doing all the hard work transporting participants to the conference.
Date: Wednesday 20th November.
Time: Please arrive promptly at 7.15am for a 7.30am start to the walk. At 7.40am Traditional Owner Karen Jacobs will join us. At 8am you will be paired with another participant in a trishaw and ridden to the Perth Cultural Centre for conference registration at 8.30am.
Location: Refer to map below for starting point – City of Perth Parking area, Point Fraser, enter off Riverside Dr, East Perth. Trishaws will be parked nearby the conclusion of walk, ready to transport participants through the CBD to arrive at the Perth Cultural Centre.
P.S If you’d like an even more active start to your day – the start point is an easy 2km / 30 minute walk from Elizabeth Quay, Perth City or Burswood. Use the Your Move Journey Planner to find your best route or contact us at for help to plan your trip.
Cost: Free
Please note: Trishaw rides are capped at 24 participants. It’s a first-in, first served basis. Remaining walkers will be directed to nearby free CAT buses – we’ve planned the journey and know you’ll get there on time.
ASPA 2024 - Walk and Talk the Matagarup, Boorloo
Register for the Walk and Talk the Matagarup, Boorloo Event: Enjoy the sights and sounds of Matagarup and the Derbarl Yerrigan and hear all about WA’s brand-new iconic Causeway Bridges being built for people to walk, wheel and ride.