ASPA 2021 Conference

2021 Conference Progam

ASPA held its inaugural conference via Zoom Webinar on Friday 19th November 2021. This forum brought together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share expertise in the advancement of the field of physical activity. The conference program included three sessions: Built Environment, Mental Health and Implementation. Each session included a panel of keynote speakers followed by a Q&A discussion. 

Download the Conference Program and Abstract Book here.

Watch the recordings of each session here.


Over 50 e-Presentation abstracts were accepted from researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to showcase their work advancing physical activity. e-Presentations were displayed online during the breaks between sessions.

Download all e-Presentations from the 2021 Conference here.

Award Winners
Overall Winner

Angus Leahy, University of Newcastle​
Co-Authors: Kennedy S, Smith J, Eather N, Boyer J, Shields N, Dascombe B, Lubans D​
Feasibility of a teacher facilitated physical activity intervention for adolescents with disability: The Burn 2 Learn adapted (B2La) pilot study​

Runner Up & ECP Winner

Catriona Rose, University of Sydney​
Co-Authors: Owen K, Foley B, Turner G, Reece L​
​Engaging older adults in community-based physical activity: The parkrun Generations Evaluation​

Peoples Choice Award Winner

Anne Tiedemann, University of Sydney​
Co-Authors: Oliveira J, Camara G, Colley S, Anstey K, Baumann A, Grunseit A, Stephen L, Sesto R, Shepherd R, Sherrington C​
​The NHMRC-funded SAGE trial of yoga for fall prevention: successful adaptation to online delivery during COVID19​

Satellite Events

In addition, on Thursday 18th November 2021 ASPA proudly hosted two pre-conference satellite events. Two of our Special Interest Groups (SIG), the Scaling Up Physical Activity SIG and the Physical Literacy SIG, ran half-day virtual satellite events via Zoom.